Friday, March 2, 2012

Agenda 8 for 3/5-3/9

Monday (SSR p.3 this week)
Collect Tempest Miranda Diary
Turn in Greek Vocab 3 List
Greek Vocab 3 Quiz
Greek Vocab 4 List
Correct Grammar 4.3
HW: Complete Tempest II:ii

Long Period 2
GreekVocab Definitions and POS
Draft Tempest Act II Writing
Library (Period 2 ???)

Greek Vocab Sentences and Images
Tempest III:i
HW: Grammar 4.4

Finish and Correct Grammar 4.4
Tempest III:ii Response Journal


Turn in Act 3 scene 2 response journal
Read The Tempest Act 3 scene 3 silently.
Then assign a Character Chart due by the end of the period.
HW: Typed Caliban lists and Vocab due Monday.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Agenda 8 for 2/27-3/2

Binder Reminders
Turn in Greek Vocab 2 List
Greek Vocab 2 Quiz
Greek Vocab 3 List due 3/2
HW: The Tempest Act I Scene ii part 2

The Tempest Act I Writing Prompt

Grammar 4.2
The Tempest Act II:i
Greek Vocab 3 Definitions and Parts of Speech

Correct Grammar 4.2
Greek Vocab Sentences and Images
The Tempest ?????

CHANGE! Greek Vocab Quiz 3 will now
be Monday 3/6.
Vocab 3 Review
Grammar 4.3 Review