Friday, April 9, 2010
Friday 4/9/10 Agenda
Read Tempest Epilogue
Start Grammar 6.2
Continue Soundtrack Assignment (Due Dates extended to Monday)
HW: Grammar 6.2 (Due Monday) and make sure you have all your quick writes done!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Preposition QW #8
*Write whether the phrase is an adverb or an adjective prepositional phrase by writing ADJ or ADV below the prepositional phrase.
(HINT: check out the part of speech before the prepositional phrase begins)
1. I jumped on the table.
2. He swam under the boat.
3. During the movie, Jared’s cell phone rang. (this is a tough one!)
4. Tanya slammed the door in her face!
5. His wallet was left on the table at his friend’s house during the party.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Tempest Soundtrack Assignment (Final Project)
*This should be at least 5 sentences for each scene!
2. Pick out two pieces of Textual Evidence from each scene that are important and critical to the scene.
3. Pick a song title (real or made-up) that would represent what each scene was about. You need to pick a song that conveys the major plot line in that scene or encompasses the feeling or mood of that scene.
4. Explain why you chose the song title for each scene to clearly convey why that song fits the scene if it is not obvious to the teacher just by the title (3 sentences at least)
5. Make a CD cover that has some sort of picture or emblem on it, and has the songs written out on the back to make it look like a real soundtrack. Creativity will earn you more points on this part of the assignment.
**This will be completed after we finish questions 1-4 for all Acts
Due Dates (we will list due dates as they come):
o Act I scene i :___Monday April 5th____
o scene ii :___Monday April 5th____
o Act II scene i : __Thursday April 8th_
o scene ii : __Thursday April 8th_
o Act III scene i : ____TBA_______________
o scene ii: ____TBA_______________
o Act IV scene i : ____TBA_______________
o scene ii : ____TBA_______________
o Act V scene i : ____TBA_______________
o scene ii : ____TBA_______________
Tempest Vocabulary List 5 (Test 4/12/10)
1. pardon
2. solemn
3. garment
4. convulsions
5. mutinous
6. ere
7. amend
8. rank
9. prophesize
10. rectify
Preposition QW #7
Quick Write #7
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Directions: *Please write out the following sentences
*Please underline the prepositional phrases
*Please tell me if the prepositional phrase is an adjective phrase or an adverb phrase by writing either ADJ or ADV under the prepositional phrase.
(HINT: Prepositional phrases usually following the word they modify)
1. The construction crew built a tower.
2. The puppy came into our tent.
3. Music from the auditorium was very loud.
4. The car drove down the street.
5. The model airplane in my brother’s room was made in Deutschland.
***These are called “adjective and adverb phrases”
Preposition QW #6
Quick Write #6
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Directions: *Please write out the following sentences.
*Please underline all the prepositions
*Circle the object of the preposition
(HINT: Remember, the object of the preposition is the noun or pronoun which follows the preposition.
1. The national mall was built near the White House.
2. Many Americans travel in the summer.
3. The capital of a country should be a beautiful city.
4. The street system works well for such an old plan.
5. The actors gathered around the director.
QUESTION: Which prepositional phrases are describing nouns? Which are describing verbs?
***Prepositional phrases come after the noun/verb they describe!
English 8 Agenda 4/5/2010-4/9/2010
Monday (04/05):
- Tempest Vocabulary Test 4
- Soundtrack Assignment Act I scene i and ii work
- Collect QW's 4 and 5
HW: Finish Soundtrack Assignment (questions 1-4) for Act I scene i and ii
Tuesday (04/06):
- QW #6
- Collect Soundtrack Assignment Act I scenes i and ii
- New due dates for Soundtrack Assignment work
(Questions 1-4 for Act II scenes i and ii are due on Thursday)
- New Vocabulary, quiz on Monday
- Read Act IV scene i
HW: Study Vocabulary
Wednesday (04/07):
- QW #7
- read up to page 186 in Act V scene i
- Soundtrack Assignment work time
HW: Soundtrack Assignment questions 1-4 due for Act II scenes i and ii
Thursday (04/08):
- Grammar 6.2
- Finish Reading Act V scene i
- Literary Response journal for Act V scene i
HW: Literary Response Journal and Grammar 6.2 (what you did not finish in class)
Friday (04/09)
-Correct Grammar 6.2
- Collect LIterary Response Journals
- Read Epilogue
- New Soundtrack Assignment due dates
(Questions 1-4 for Act III scene i due on Tuesday; Act III scenes ii and iii due Wednesday)
- Vocabulary Check
HW: Study Vocabulary