Wednesday, April 7, 2010

English 8 Agenda 4/5/2010-4/9/2010

Monday (04/05):

- Tempest Vocabulary Test 4

- Soundtrack Assignment Act I scene i and ii work

- Collect QW's 4 and 5

HW: Finish Soundtrack Assignment (questions 1-4) for Act I scene i and ii

Tuesday (04/06):

- QW #6

- Collect Soundtrack Assignment Act I scenes i and ii

- New due dates for Soundtrack Assignment work

(Questions 1-4 for Act II scenes i and ii are due on Thursday)

- New Vocabulary, quiz on Monday

- Read Act IV scene i

HW: Study Vocabulary

Wednesday (04/07):

- QW #7

- read up to page 186 in Act V scene i

- Soundtrack Assignment work time

HW: Soundtrack Assignment questions 1-4 due for Act II scenes i and ii

Thursday (04/08):

- Grammar 6.2

- Finish Reading Act V scene i

- Literary Response journal for Act V scene i

HW: Literary Response Journal and Grammar 6.2 (what you did not finish in class)

Friday (04/09)
-Correct Grammar 6.2

- Collect LIterary Response Journals

- Read Epilogue

- New Soundtrack Assignment due dates

(Questions 1-4 for Act III scene i due on Tuesday; Act III scenes ii and iii due Wednesday)

- Vocabulary Check

HW: Study Vocabulary