Monday, April 16, 2012

Agenda 8 4/16-4/20

Epic Poems-AGAIN!
After your poor showing on Epic poetry in your portfolios,
I am asking you do another.
Step 1: Select a superhero or Disney hero's TALE to tell.
Step 2: Complete a thorough plot line
to be turned in with your draft
Step 3: Draft an Epic poem:

Narrative/ Epic (Hero) Poem The story poem needs characters,
a setting and a conflict. The more specific details, the better.
The emphasis is sound devices: end rhyme, internal rhyme,
alliteration and repetition (chorus).
1. Length 60-100 lines.
2. Use these sound devices.
-Repetition and CHORUS
-Rhyme and Alliteration
3. Have a complete plot progression: exposition, rising action,
the climax and a resolution(falling action).

STAR Testing Day 1
Period 2: 1:20pm-2:00pm
Period 3: 2:05pm-2:45pm
Video: The Tempest (2010)
-To watch the film, you MUST have returned a permission slip
Complete Video Differences List Day 1
Students without permission must complete the replacement assignment

Video: The Tempest (2010)
-To watch the film, you MUST have returned a permission slip
Complete Video Differences List Day 2
Students without permission must complete the replacement assignment

STAR Testing Day 2- No 8th Grade Classes

Mark Twain: "Roughing It" Vocab List
Read "Roughing It" P. 794